Homes England names 66 firms as preferred partners – list

Homes England has selected a mix of 66 contractors, house builders and housing associations for its new Delivery Partner dynamic purchasing system.

This new system replaces the Delivery Partner Panel 3, transforming the way Homes England procures house builders and disposes of land.

Switching to a dynamic purchasing system means that house builders and contractors can now apply to join the agency’s list of preferred developers at any time, rather than having to wait until the list is renewed once every four years.

It marks the biggest DPS of its kind, and, valued at £20bn, and is Homes England’s largest procurement exercise to date.

Previous delivery panel partners including national contractors like Kier, Laing O’Rourke and Mace have dropped out, although they could now apply for inclusion at any time.

The new line-up includes 24 SMEs far more small firm’s than the previous delivery panel.

Homes England delivery partner DPS
BDW  Trading John Graham Construction Rowlinson Constructions
Bellway Homes Keepmoat Homes RP Tyson Construction
Bromford Housing Group Kingswood Homes Sanctuary Housing Association
Bugler Developments Lindum Group Seddon Construction
Castle Green Homes Lioncourt Homes Sigma Homes
Claritas PSP Consortia London Square Partners St Modwen Developments
Countryside Properties Longhurst Group Stewart Milne Homes
Crest Nicholson Lovell Partnerships Stonewood Partnerships
Crossfield Living McDermott Homes Story Homes
Deeley Group McLaren Construction Strata Homes
Devonshire Homes Mercer Building Solutions Taylor French Developments
Durkan Midas Construction Taylor Wimpey
EDAROTH Morris Homes Termrim Construction
EG Carter & Co Mulalley & Company Thirteen
ENGIE Regeneration Mulberry Homes Tilia Homes
Eric Wright Group Muse Developments Tolent Construction
Esh Construction Northstone Development United Living (South)
Feltham Construction Optivo Vistry Partnerships
Highwood Group Persimmon Homes Wates Construction
Hill Holdings Places for People Group Westridge Construction
J. Harper & Sons Platform Housing Group Wiggett Construction
Jessup Robert Woodhead Willmott Dixon Construction

The Delivery Partner DPS will also be available to Homes England’s public sector partners to help them procure a developer or contractor to build homes on sites they own.

Stephen Kinsella, Chief Land and Development Officer at Homes England, said: “This marks a significant step forward in the way we work with developers to build homes.

“We’ve also simplified the application process, so whether you’re a large, nationwide housebuilder, or a small local developer, it will be easier for you to access land you want to build on.

We encourage all housebuilders interested in working with us to monitor our recently updated Land Hub, and apply to join the DPS when they see a site of interest.”

The application process is proportionate, and depends on the size of the sites that a developer wishes to bid for, making it more accessible for smaller developers.

In addition, during the application process house builders can express interest in the locations and types of sites they want to develop.

Homes England has a number of sites that it is planning to issue expressions of interest for via the DPS in the coming months.

This includes a 14-acre site on Homes England’s Northern Arc scheme in Burgess Hill, which will support around 350 homes, 30% of which will be affordable homes. The site will be divided into two or three sub plots, making it particularly suited to SME developers.

Another site soon to be marketed via the DPS is in Cradley Heath, Dudley. Over the last couple of years Homes England has cleared disused industrial buildings from the site, and it now has outline planning permission for 89 homes.



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